Thursday, 31 March 2011


Well, I haven't been good writing my trip up on here yet have I? That be rhetorical.

I have been putting stuff down on paper, so should be able to put something readable together sometime soon... err over the weekend perhaps. Driving a lot certainly eats in to Blogging time, unlike airports or trains it is not the safest practice to type up my thoughts on the Pacific Coast Highway, at least when I am driving. Have covered over 2200 miles so far with about 250 to go by Sunday.

To type up? The trip has taken in the following night stops:

San Francisco
Three Rivers
Las Vegas
Gardena (LA)
Santa Monica
Santa Barbara, and
San Luis Obispo (SLO)

To go? Just:
Monterey, then back to

To those of you interested there are loads of photos (over 230 so far!) on:

Best regards to all!

Monday, 14 March 2011


Bit like India I never really wanted to go to the USA that much. There are of course things I'd like to see like New York, the Grand Canyon, New Orleans, Yellowstone etc. But in general not much grabbed me as essential. After years of traveling to 'developing' countries it will be interesting to pop over to the ultimate developed country. I am sure the contradictions of the place will be fascinating, not to mention seeing how my preconceptions are confirmed or (as usual) shot to pieces.

The Plan: Well, I am flying to San Francisco and staying there for a while for Alcatraz and micro-breweries and all that before heading off toward Yosemite (snow dependent) then down to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Then it will be west to LA before taking my time passing up north back to SF along Highway 1 or the Pacific Road Highway via Big Sur and Castle Hearst et al.

Should be fun. Will keep you posted...